This was a rook endgame vs current Hampshire Champion Peter Williams in the 2007 Hampshire Open; the endgame is technically a draw but I lost it. I haven't conducted a proper analysis of it yet, so I will now with the aid of tablebases. 1...Ke7 2.Ke5 Re3+ 3.Kf4 Rh3 4.Kg4 Rb3 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Ke4 Rb4+ 7.Ke3 e5 8.Rd5 Kf5 9.Rd8 Rb3+ 10.Kd2 Ke4 11.Re8 Rb2+ 12.Kc1 Rg2 so far there was no real risk of letting the draw slip, but as the endgame proceeds white has to play more accurately. 13.Kd1 [13.Kb1 this loses, but all other sensible moves draw (by sensible I mean not Rxe5 or Rg8). However the win apparently takes 33 moves and I'm guessing it is no trivial feat; I may come back to this if there is time and see how it is done. 13...Rd2 the following is the win for black (with best defence from white) 14.Kc1 Rd7 15.Kc2 Kf4 16.Rf8+ Ke3 17.Re8 e4 18.Rh8 Kf2 19.Rh2+ Kg3 20.Re2 Kf3 21.Rh2 e3 22.Rh3+ Kf2 23.Rh2+ Kg3 24.Rh5 e2 25.Re5 Kf2 26.Rf5+ Ke1 27.Rc5 Re7 28.Rf5 Rc7+ 29.Kd3 Kd1 30.Re5 Rd7+ 31.Kc4 e1Q 32.Rxe1+ Kxe1] 13...Kd4 14.Ke1 e4 15.Kf1 this was admittedly guess work but I was doing ok so far [15.Rd8+ astonishingly, this move loses for white, (in 37 moves), whereas all other rook moves apart from trivially obvious bad moves are fine (i.e. a8,b8,c8,f8,h8,e7, and e6) 15...Ke3 16.Kf1 Rf2+ the only move to win (e.g. 16...Rh2 any Rook move by white on the 8th rank (apart from h8) draws for white; this appears to be because any king opposition mate threat is met by a check from the white rook (although 17.Re8 may be different; I will check that line) 17.Rc8 (17.Rf8 it is clear the Rf2 check is unavailable, and nothing else makes progress 17...Re2 18.Rg8 Rb2 19.Rf8 Rb1+ 20.Kg2) 17...Rf2+ 18.Ke1 Rh2) 17.Ke1 Rh2 18.Kf1] 15...Rb2 16.Rd8+ I was lucky that in this position this move is still a draw 16...Ke3 Now white's options are more restricted 17.Re8 I fortunately chose one of the drawing moves. Anything rook move on the 8th rank (apart from b8) is ok, everything else loses. [for example 17.Rd7 loses in 36 moves 17...Rf2+ (or 17...Rb1+ ) 18.Kg1 Rd2 19.Re7 Kf3 the only winning move (19...Kd3 allows a draw 20.Kf1 the only drawing move 20...Ke3 21.Rc7 Rd1+ 22.Kg2 Ke2 23.Ra7 only move 23...e3 24.Ra2+ or Ra3 24...Rd2 25.Ra1 Deja Vu 25...Rb2 (25...Kd3+) 26.Ra6 or anywhere else on the a file 26...Rd2 27.Ra5 Ke1+ 28.Kf3 only move 28...e2 29.Ke3 only move 29...Rd1 30.Rg5 or Rh5 or Ra2 30...Kf1 (as a complete unrelated side track from the practical game, the following is a draw too 30...Rd3+ 31.Kxd3 Kd1) 31.Rf5+ Ke1 32.Rg5) 20.Rf7+ Ke2 only winning move but an obvious one (20...Ke3 unlikely black would play this anyway 21.Kf1 draws 21...Rc2 22.Rg7) 21.Ra7 black has to be careful not to play a drawing move: Rd5,Rd6,Rd8 are ok as it Kf3. Everything else draws including e3 21...Rd8 (21...e3 22.Kg2 Kd1+ 23.Kg3 e2 24.Ra1+ Kc2 25.Re1 Kd3 26.Kf2 nothing black does avoid a draw 26...Ra2 ostensibly this is a nasty trick as white has an only move 27.Rb1 a) e.g. 27.Rc1 Ra5 white loses (not 27...Kd2 28.Re1 draw) 28.Rb1 Rf5+ 29.Ke1 Rf1# the point; b) 27.Rg1 Ra7 anywhere from a4 to a8 28.Rb1 Rf7+ 29.Kg2 is the most tenacious, e.g. 29...Rf5 30.Ra1 Ra5 is the quickest 31.Rb1 Kc2 32.Rh1 Re5 33.Re1 Kd2 34.Kf2 Rf5+ the rest is trivial; 27...Ra6 28.Rb3+ Kc2 29.Re3) 22.Ra2+ Kf3 23.Rf2+ Ke3 24.Rf5 Ra8 25.Kg2 black has to play Ra2+ or Kd3 (Rg8+ draws) 25...Ra2+ (25...Rg8+ 26.Kf1 Rh8 27.Re5) 26.Kg1 Ra1+ 27.Kg2 etc; the tablebase is lagging now so I will leave it at that, but a few general themes are shown in the example lines I have looked at] 17...Ra2 18.Re7 One of the drawing moves. Anywhere on the e file with the rook was ok, Kg1 was ok, and Rb8 was ok, but everything else would lose. [18.Rb8 it's interesting that this is the only moves on the 8th rank the rook can make and still draw] 18...Ra6 19.Re8 My instincts are still serving me well. Also ok was Re5, Rb7, or Kg2. 19...Rf6+ 20.Ke1 All king moves are ok. 20...Kf3 All sensible (by sensible I again mean not sacrificing the rook for nothing) moves draw 21.Re7 Rb6 22.Rf7+ Re5, Re8, Kd1, and Kd2 were also ok 22...Ke3 23.Kd1?? white suddenly had to play an only move to draw. The quickest win for black is in 29 moves. [23.Kf1 is the only drawing move. Some example lines: 23...Kd2 24.Kg2 or Re7,Rd7,Ra7,Rf2. E.g. (not 24.Kf2?? e3+ 25.Kf3 e2 26.Rd7+ Ke1 27.Ke3 Re6+ 28.Kd3 Kd1 29.Rb7 Rd6+ and black queens) 24...e3 white has to play an only move 25.Ra7 Rb2 another only move required (25...e2 26.Ra2+ only move 26...Kd1 27.Ra1+ Kc2 28.Ra2+ Kd3 29.Ra3+ Kc2 30.Ra2+ no progress can be made (I think this is called the Philidor or Lucena position) 30...Rb2 31.Rxb2+ Kxb2 32.Kf2 Kc2 33.Kxe2) 26.Ra1 Rc2 27.Kg3 or Kf1 or Kf3 27...Rb2 28.Kf3 e.g. 28...e2 29.Kf2 Rc2 30.Rb1 the black rook can't move up and across to check because of R2+ either repeating moves or losing the pawn(or 30.Re1 ) ] 23...Rd6+ Or Rb1+ 24.Ke1 Ra6 Nicely done; every other move draws. 25.Kd1 Ra1+ again the best move 26.Kc2 forced 26...Ke2 the quickest win. Ra2 also wins, (and the win is not lost with Ra4, 5, 6, or 8, but Ra3 is a draw interestingly) 27.Rh7 one of many losing options to lose in 25 moves 27...Rf1 28.Re7 e3 this is the best but Rf4 also wins 29.Kc3 by now practically all black's legal moves win (15 winning moves in total) 29...Kf2 30.Rf7+ it turns out this loses the slowest (22 moves) 30...Ke1 31.Re7 again the slowest losing move 31...e2 both this and Rf3 win in 21 32.Kd3 the 'best' losing move again 32...Rf3+ black had only two winning moves here, the other being Rf2. 33.Kc2 the slowest again 33...Kf1 the quickest move again; Rf6 and Rf8 win in 19 too 34.Kd2 Rf2 with the threat e1=Q++. The position is now trivial. 35.Kc1 I could have prolongued further with Kd3 or Kc3 losing in 17 but a novice can see everything loses trivially. 35...e1Q+ 36.Rxe1+ Kxe1 37.Kb1 Kd1 38.Ka1 Rf3 [38...Kc2 is one move quicker 39.Ka2 Rf3 40.Ka1 Ra3#] 39.Kb2 Kd2 40.Kb1 Rb3+ [40...Kc3 is the quickest 41.Ka2 Kc2 42.Ka1 Ra3#] 41.Ka2 [41.Ka1 would have prolongued it for one more move] 41...Kc2 42.Ka1 Ra3# My opponent did a great job of converting the win the very moment I let the draw slip; I was expecting to see some inaccuracy and perhaps the win slipping on some moves with perfect play from white, but the win never slipped once. 0-1
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